[TUTORIAL] Extreme Battery Life (Greenify+Amplify+AppOpsXposed+Power Nap) - 29/01/2016

Sedikit Info Seputar [TUTORIAL] Extreme Battery Life (Greenify+Amplify+AppOpsXposed+Power Nap) - 29/01/2016 Terbaru 2017 - Hay gaes kali ini team Official Sahabat Android, kali ini akan membahas artikel dengan judul [TUTORIAL] Extreme Battery Life (Greenify+Amplify+AppOpsXposed+Power Nap) - 29/01/2016, kami selaku Team Official Sahabat Android telah mempersiapkan artikel ini untuk sobat sobat yang menyukai Official Sahabat Android. semoga isi postingan tentang Artikel TUTORIALS, yang saya posting kali ini dapat dipahami dengan mudah serta memberi manfa'at bagi kalian semua, walaupun tidak sempurna setidaknya artikel kami memberi sedikit informasi kepada kalian semua. ok langsung simak aja sob
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Berbagi [TUTORIAL] Extreme Battery Life (Greenify+Amplify+AppOpsXposed+Power Nap) - 29/01/2016 Terbaru dan Terlengkap 2017


 1. http://forum.xda-developers.com/android/general/guide-extreme-battery-life-t3095884

Requirements :

1. Root
2. Xposed Framework
3. Greenify Donation Package
4. Amplify Pro
5. AppOpsXposed
6. PowerNap (optional; coba trial and error aja; bila greenify+amplify aja merasa sudah puas, ga perlu diinstall)
7. BetterBatteryStats

A. Basic Settings
B. Greenify
C. Amplify
D. AppOpsXposed
E. PowerNap (optional; coba trial and error aja; bila greenify+amplify aja merasa sudah puas, ga perlu diinstall)
F. Auto-start Manager
G. Frequently Asked Questions and Known Issues

A. BASIC SETTING >> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=60425086&postcount=2


Greenify the apps that eatup battery by running in background (Refer to BetterBatteryStats)

Below are some of the major drainers:
  1. Browser
  2. Facebook
  3. Facebook Messenger
  4. Google+
  5. Hangouts
  6. Hike
  7. Instagram
  8. Maps
  9. UC Browser
  10. Path


Amplify is a genius in handling wakelocks and alarms.It is also capable of blocking services. Amplify is the best battery saver I've come across.It is a must have app for all droids running Xposed.
You'll need a donation package to block wakelocks and alarms.

Limit the following:


Alarms(Allow every 600 seconds)
  • com.android.internal.telephony.data-stall

Alarms(Allow every 1800 seconds)
  • com.oasisfeng.greenify.CLEAN_NOW

Alarms(Allow every 3600 seconds)
  • android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE

Alarms(Allow every 7200 seconds)
  • android.content.syncmanager.SYNC_ALARM(delays sync

Alarms(Allow every 10800 seconds)
  • android.net.ConnectivityService.action.PKT_CNT_SAM PLE_INTERVAL_ELAPSED
  • com.facebook.common.executors.WakingExecutorServic e.ACTION.ALARM.com.facebook.katana
  • com.google.android.apps.hangouts.CLEANUP_DB
  • com.pushbullet.android/.gcm.GcmFixReceiver
  • com.android.server.action.NETWORK_STATS_POLL
  • com.diune.pictures.intent.action.MEDIA_CHECK
  • LocationManagerService

Alarms[LOCATION](Allow every 41400 seconds)
  • ALARM_WAKEUP_LOCATOR(com.google.android.gms.nlp.AL ARM_WAKEUP_LOCATOR)
  • com.google.android.gms.location.fused.GPS_ALARM_BA LANCED_ACCURACY
  • com.google.android.intent.action.SEND_IDLE
  • com.google.android.location.reporting.ACTION_UPDAT E_WORLD

Alarms(Allow every 93600 seconds)
  • android.app.backup.intent.RUN
  • com.google.android.gms/.checkin.EventLogService$Receiver
  • com.google.android.gms/.checkinCheckinService%Receiver

Alarms(REGEX Blocking)
  • Open Amplify.
  • Select Alarms from the menu.
  • Tap the list icon on the top right corner
  • Tap + button on top.
  • Add the following code to 'Enter Regex to match
  • ALARM_WAKEUP[0-9]+
  • Set the interval to 9999999 seconds.


Wakelocks(Allow every 800 seconds)
  • WakefulIntentService[GCoreUlr-LocationReportingService]
  • RILJ
  • NetworkStats

Wakelocks(Allow every 3600 seconds)
  • WeatherUpdateService

Wakelocks(Allow every 10800 seconds)
  • SyncLoopWakeLock(delays sync)
  • *net_scheduler*
  • GCoreFlp
  • Icing
  • Wakeful StateMachine: GeofencerStateMachine
  • NfcService:mRoutingWakeLock
  • wake:com.pushbullet.android/.gcm.GcmService
  • SyncService(Package: Push Bullet)
  • ai(Package: Push Bullet)
  • ae(Package: Push Bullet)
  • AsyncService

Wakelocks(Allow every 41400 seconds)
  • NlpWakeLock
  • NlpCollectorWakeLock
  • LocationManagerService
  • Config Service Fetch

Wakelocks(Allow every 9999999 seconds)
  • *job*/com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.analytics2.logger.LollipopUploadServi ce
  • JobSchedulerHack-com.facebook.analytics2.logger.LollipopUploadServi ce
  • UploadServiceLogic-com.facebook.analytics2.logger.LollipopUploadServi ce
  • *job*/com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.bugreporter.scheduler.LollipopService (com.facebook.orca.Messenger)
  • *job*/com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.bugreporter.scheduler.LollipopService (com.facebook.katana.Facebook)



NB:I don't use Location Service. That's why I've disabled the location Services. If your'e using Location service, do not disable the services with location and GPS tag
  • com.google.android.gms.analytics.AnalyticsService
  • com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.internal.GoogleLocatio nManagerService(Location Service)
  • com.android.gms.Feedback.FeedbackService(Breaks Play Games)
  • com.android.gms.ads.AdRequestBrokerService
  • com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.network.NetworkLocationService(Location Service)
  • com.google.android.location.geofencer.service.Geof encerProviderService(GPS Service)
  • com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.copresence.service.ProximitySettingInjectorService
  • com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.analytics.service.AnalyticsService
  • com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.analytics.service.AnalyticsService
  • com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/.CellBroadcastAlertService
  • com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/.CellBroadcastConfigService
________________________________________________________________________________D. APPOPSXPOSED

Navigate to Settings->Hacks->Check FIX OP_WAKE_LOCK

Disable the following Permissions of Google Play Services
  • Keep Awake
Disable the following permissons of Google Services Framework
  • Keep Awake

E. POWERNAP (optional; coba trial and error aja; bila greenify+amplify aja merasa sudah puas, ga perlu diinstall)

Power Nap for Xposed is the SONY's stamina mod for non-Sony devices.When your screen is off, Power Nap maximizes your device's deep sleep time by stopping services, alarms and wakelocks from waking the device when the screen is off.You can get notification from the apps you've whitelisted.

(PowerNap mungkin cara kerjanya sama seperti Power Saver bawaan dengan setting Extend Standby, tapi saya lebih merekomendasikan PowerNap (karena ada statistik/log-nya)

Set the Endurance Mode to Always ON.

You can use Power Nap along with Greenify and Amplify for a better sleep time.You have whitelist both Greenify and Amplifyfor proper working of both the modules.

If you use IMs and need Push Notifications,you have to whitelist those apps along with Greenify and Amplify.

See My list Of whitelisted apps.(Varies according to users):

  • AndroidSystem
  • BetterBatteryStats
  • Greenify
  • Greenify Donation Package
  • Amplify
  • Hike
  • Whatsapp
  • Hangouts
  • Xposed
  • Clock
  • Full Battery & Theft Alarm
  • Google Play Services
  • Messaging
  • LINE
  • BBM



Open Auto-start Manager congenital Asus

Allowed :
1. WhatsApp
2. PowerNap
4. Greenify
5. Xposed Installer
6. Lucky Patcher
7. Amplify
8. SuperSU
9. BetterBatteryStats


Reporting Logs

I recommend using BetterBatteryStats to report logs and dumps.Here's how you should report dumps in this thread( lihat sumber).I request to follow the exact method so that it is easy for me to debug issues.
  1. Charge your device to 100 and unplug the device from the charger.
  2. Keep WiFi/Mobile Data ON.(Leave the sync settings as per your usage pattern)
  3. Leave it idle for atleast 6 hours(Do not turn on the screen during these period).
  4. Choose "Unplugged" as a start reference and "Screen On" OR "Current" as stop reference(Refer Screenshots)
  5. Pull a TextDump File from BetterBatteryStats.(Refer Screenshots)
  6. You'll find the dump in the root of your SDCard.Post the dump in the thread.
Readme for BBS:

*Make sure you have disabled the Enable while Charging option in BBS->Settings->Advanced..



 1. http://forum.xda-developers.com/android/general/guide-extreme-battery-life-t3095884

By Ahmad Royan Thanthowie

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Terima kasih Anda baru saja membaca [TUTORIAL] Extreme Battery Life (Greenify+Amplify+AppOpsXposed+Power Nap) - 29/01/2016