Sedikit Info Seputar DECOMPILE RECOMPILE APK DARI ZENNY Terbaru 2017 - Hay gaes kali ini team Official Sahabat Android, kali ini akan membahas artikel dengan judul DECOMPILE RECOMPILE APK DARI ZENNY, kami selaku Team Official Sahabat Android telah mempersiapkan artikel ini untuk sobat sobat yang menyukai Official Sahabat Android. semoga isi postingan tentang Artikel TUTORIALS, yang saya posting kali ini dapat dipahami dengan mudah serta memberi manfa'at bagi kalian semua, walaupun tidak sempurna setidaknya artikel kami memberi sedikit informasi kepada kalian semua. ok langsung simak aja sob
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Berbagi DECOMPILE RECOMPILE APK DARI ZENNY Terbaru dan Terlengkap 2017

Assalammu'alaikum ... Good night ...
Cabi permission recompile share decompiled apk way of Zenny 5 directly without pc / lepi ...
Tested IN T00J FIRMWARE 1:18
Jump sj ...

Terms & Materials:

2. Root
3. Root Explorer.apk or file manager like
4. 920 Text Editor.apk (free download from playstore)
5. Apktool.apk: DOWNLOAD HERE
6. Understand and Understand how to push the manual application system


1. Extract the zip of apktool version 4.5 download link above
2. Install Apktool.apk extract TSB
3. Open Root Explorer
4. In the root SDcard INTERNAL (DO IN OTHER FOLDER), make a new folder with the name "apktool"
5. Open the folder system / framework
6. Copy and paste the "framework-res.apk" to folder "apktool" which was newly created
7. Copy and paste the application also what would dimodif to folder "apktool" td.contoh SystemUI.apk in the folder system / app
5. Open apktool.apk existing applications in the app drawer
6. If there is a notification tuk install again "apktool.apk" select "yes" and install as usual
7. Reopen apktool.apk in the app drawer
8. There is a warning select "ok"
9. Click the folder "sdcard" then click on the folder "apktool"
10.Klik "framework-res.apk" and select "Import as framework"

How to use:
Ane would love qt examples which have been modified SystemUI.apk dicopas folder to sdcard / td apktool ...

1. Click and select decompile SystemUI.apk ... wait until the process is complete decompiled
2. After successfully decompile it will form the folder "SystemUI_src"
3. Open the "Root Explorer.apk" from the app drawer thx replace image / ikon2
4. Open the "920TextEditor.apk" from the app drawer tuk edit xml file format .....
5. Click on the logo at the top left of the screen folder and navigate to the folder "sdcard / apktool / SystemUI_src"
6. Click the folder res / ............ (the location you wish to edit xml file)
    example, want to edit the status bar ... then click the res / layout /
    Silahken edit ...
    How to Copas, "920TextEditor.apk" is to hold the line you wish to edit and select Copy or Paste
7. After editing is complete, click logo icon "save" (same as the save in Microsoft Office logo "
8. Click the "x" tuk close the file UDH edited and saved or navigation click "back" Dr. Zenny 5
9. Return to open "apktool.apk" from the app drawer and navigate to the folder sdcard / apktool
10.Klik folder "SystemUI_src" and select "recompile" ... Wait for it to finish ...
11.Tanda "recompile" successful there will be posts at the bottom notification / report dr apktoolnya "build apk ....." and will form the file "SystemUI_src.apk"
12.Kalau no writing it, it means there is an error which may be due to clerical errors / mistakes placement line ... Check where is the error of his ... find the line that writes ..... xml and ignoring the errors that beginning with "AAPT default translation ..... "
13.Klik "SystemUI_src.apk" and select the "sign"
14.Silahken out of "apktool.apk"
15.Buka back "Root Explorer"
16.Buka sdcard folder and create a new folder with any name ... example: ModApp
    Or who never extract the zip of "Root Explorer" no longer need to create a folder like that ane say at number 16
17.Buka folder sdcard / apktool and copy and paste files "SystemUI_src_sign.apk" to folder "ModApp" new-made earlier or folder "SpeedSoftware" for who ever did extract the zip in the "Root Explorer"
18.Rename "SystemUI_src_sign.apk" to ""
19.tahan "" and select Extract All then select "stay"
20.Buka folder sdcard / apktool / SystemUI_src / original
21.Copas folder "Meta-inf" and the file "AndroidManifest" folder to sdcard / SpeedSoftware / Extracted / SystemUI_src_sign
22.Ceklist / centrang all the files in the folder
23.Trus click the image like a human head / in addition to the menu icon in the lower right and make the name "SystemUI"
24.setelah zip process is complete select "Go to .........." Sure there is already a file with the name ""
25 Rename "" to "SystemUI.apk"
26.Copas "SystemUI.apk" to the folder / System ...
27.Set Permission "SystemUI.apk" rw-r - r-- and change the root-root owner
28.Cut / move "SystemUI.apk" folder into the app
29.Reboot / Restart


BY Anca Imut

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